
Contact Us

Contact Us

You have so many ways to get in touch with us. We work on a first name basis so you can always reach out firstname@bridger.systems for anyone you are looking for or choose from any of the following:

Houston Office:

9659 N. Sam Houston Parkway E. Suite 150 110, Humble Texas 77396

Main Number: 17137668001        

Fax: 17137668003

The HOU office is our base of operations, warehouse, central shipping point and hub for all business dealings. This is where mailed payments, packages and all general correspondance is to be sent.

Austin Office:

5900 Balcones Street, Suite 7264, Austin Texas 78731

Main Number: 15126908001

Fax 15126908003

ATX is where our lawyers live, is our DevOps home and is our registered headquarters. If you want to sue us, try to get us to sign something, threaten us, make media requests, or anything we would send to a lawyer, send those to this location(or better yet, dont).

You can send emails to these addresses for "stuff". We block unsolicited attachments, and we will never send passwords, password requests, or other sensitive information in plain text.

General Sales: Sales@bridger.systems

Accounting: acct@bridger.systems

Residential Carrier Sales: residentialsales@bridger.systems

Partnerships: partnerwithus@bridger.systems

FCC Complaints: fcc@bridger.systems

Media Requests: almostfamous@bridger.systems

Employment Opportunities: hireme@bridger.systems

General Support: support@bridger.systems or visit https://support.bridger.systems or https://helpdesk.bridger.tel

Carrier Support: support@pstn.network, support@bridgertel.com, support@bridger.tel or pstnsupport@bridger.systems

Our active and real websites are as follows (always check the headers, and if something seems weird call us, day or night):

https://home.bridger.tel (we redirect https://bridger.systems to this site)

https://support.bridger.systems (this is our support site)

https://helpdesk.bridger.tel (we redirect https://helpdesk.bridger.systems to this site).

https://*.bridgertel.com (which is where we redirect our apps)

Domains to whitelist: pstn.network, voicenet.works, apinet.work, bridger.systems, bridgertel.com, bridgertx.com, bridger.tel, churchnet.works, dial.stream

Our general hours of business are Monday through Thursday, from 8 AM to 5 PM, and Friday from 7 AM To 4 PM (CST). We are closed on all federal holidays, and we work remotely where possible.

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Jamie Larson